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Re: what is the difference between "/usr/bin/X" and "/usr/bin/Xorg"?

On Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:30:02 PM UTC-5, jiang lei wrote:
>     is there any difference between "/usr/bin/X" and "/usr/bin/Xorg"? On my >debian box, /usr/bin/X is not symlink to /usr/bin/Xorg, and i can start X server >with /usr/bin/X but fail with /usr/bin/Xorg? i google it but find nothing, could >any one here help me? thanks in advance.

wow - i'm disappointed no one's ever answered this... i too would like to know:
root:~/# ls -o /usr/bin/X*
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root    9232 Dec 16  2011 /usr/bin/X
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 1889472 Oct 29  2011 /usr/bin/Xorg

both files are ELF executables, and they are CLEARLY different.
so what exactly IS the difference btn them???


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