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Re: [SOLVED] Is my processor 32-bit or 64-bit?

On 8/22/2012 10:16 PM, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

>> Now, my next step is to figure out what memory SIMMs to order.
>> I'd like to install four 1G SIMMs, if they exist for this motherboard.
>> But the devil is in the details.

DIMMs not SIMMs. ;)  SIMMs haven't been used in new systems for about 15

You probably won't find that registered ECC DDR200 through retail
channels because of its age.  If you do it'll likely be $100+/stick.
Here's the best deal I found on Ebay:

$50 for old RAM or $110 few all new guts?  $110 gets you a new Foxconn
AM3 mobo, 2.8GHz 1MB L2 64bit 45 watt single core AMD retail CPU, and
4GB DDR3-1333 dual channel RAM-- 6.6x the memory bandwidth of the
Netburst Xeon.


I've used this combo to refurb 2 old machines now, including the machine
from which I've typing this.  No problems so far with exactly one year
on this one.  I've got a dual core Regor 3GHz 2x1MB L2 in this box.

If a single core 2.8 64bit Sempron is insufficient for your workload,
add $25 for a 65 watt 3.2GHz dual core AthlonII X2, $135 total:

As long as the PSU has the 4-pin CPU power plug, and it should being a
Xeon board, you shouldn't need to replace anything else.  And you've
basically got a brand new system, sans drives, for $110-135.


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