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Joe's autoresponder finally turned off? [was: Re: Fwd: OT: man in the middle attack ?]

On Ma, 21 aug 12, 14:13:06, Bob Proulx wrote:
> The joe1assistly bad robot is one of the recipients.  It then does
> this:
>   sender -> mailing list -> many recipients, including newsgroups
>   joe1assistly -> sender
> Mail from joe1assistly never hits the mailing list.  There isn't
> anything the mailing list can do to block the return spam.  The only
> thing that can be done is to find the recipient and unsubscribe them.
> However there was discussion on one of the Cygwin lists that perhaps
> due to the difficulty in locating a subscriber that perhaps
> joe1assistly was scraping the messages from a newsgroup and was
> therefore not subscribed.  In which case it would be more difficult to
> defeat.
> The joe1assistly bad robot has been coming and going for some months
> now not just from the debian-user mailing list but also from some
> others such as the Cygwin lists too.

After studying the headers a bit more I wrote an e-mail to a specific 
support@ address (which I will not reproduce here) and I even got an 
answer :)

Supposedly the autoresponder is turned off now. Please reply to this if 
you see more of those mails.

Kind regards,
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