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Re: Long delay when shorewall/shorewall6 starts/stops

Nate Bargmann wrote:
> This has bugged me on and off most of this year since for some reason
> that I can't find, the shorewall/shorewall6 startup scripts have a pause
> of about a minute before the system start/shutdown can continue.  Right
> now this affects both my desktop and laptop running Sid.

I use shorewall on many systems and I do not experience any long
delays at startup or shutdown.  Therefore this problem seems specific
to the configuration of your system.

> My desktop's network connection is a wired Ethernet that is managed by
> the ifup/ifdown scripts.  My laptop's wireless and wired interfaces
> are managed by WiCD.

Same here.

I assume you have something like this in your /etc/network/interfaces:

  allow-hotplug eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp

If you change that to this does it improve things?

  auto eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp

I have notice that when used with nis/yp the above avoids an nis
startup delay.


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