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[OT] Re: Redhat marketing campaign going after free Linuxes

On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 09:53:20 -0300, francis picabia wrote:

> Redhat marketing people have a video and PDF docs to conclude based on
> IDC studies that RHEL is cheaper than free Linux in the Enterprise.

It makes sense.

> There is a video on the right side with a summary of their claims.
> http://www.redhat.com/promo/standardize/

How cool :-)

> When I compare how long it takes to get the same samba bug fixed
> (already fixed in upstream) in Debian and Redhat, Debian won by 7
> months.
> When I compare how much work I put into keeping two identical
> postfix+amavis+clamav MX systems running, where one is Debian and one is
> Redhat, Debian wins (Redhat doesn't supply packages required, third
> party repos introduce problems such as overwriting directory ownership
> on each update)

There are always corner cases in every side.

> Obviously if someone is installing commercial software released for
> Redhat it would be the best fit to install it there.  Would any
> Enterprise try to make commercial software work in free Linux (the
> maintenance nightmare aside from getting it working)?

IMO, that's in the end the real cost of choosing a linux distribution 
with an enterprise in the backs. The initial setting up investment 
(licenses, support, certified software and hardware...) is usually higher 
but it gets amortized very soon, usually in the first years of its 
deployment. Of course, every company has different needs and that's why 
usually enterprises Linuxes (RedHat, Ubuntu, SLES) and community based 
(CentOS, Ubuntu, openSUSE) are usually found "mixed" inside the same 

> What do others experience or think about their claims?

I only have direct experience with community based linux systems but at a 
first glance their claims and numbers sound very reasonable.



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