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On Lu, 20 aug 12, 22:49:04, James Allsopp wrote:
> HI,
> I'm running wicd on debian stable and unfortunately wicd can't
> maintain the connection. Absolutely nothing about the rest of the
> wireless network has changed. It keeps oscillating through
> putting interface up
> obtaining IP addresss
> Done connecting
> not connected.
> When you can get a ping going, gaps of four to six packets fail for
> ever one that gets through.
> As part of writing this, I thought about taking out the other
> network cable (currently attached to a raspberry PI, I'm trying to
> bridge to) and that solved the problem, However, how to I make wicd
> keep the wireless connection up with the other cable inserted, would
> giving it a static IP help?		

From your description it seems to me that wicd is (trying to?) switching 
to the wired connection, but this is just a wild guess.

Please explain what your current setup is and what you are actually 
trying to achieve (not how you think you might get there).

Kind regards,
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