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Re: bug report?: "Oh no! Something has gone wrong."

> I can't say I'm aware of this image,
I guess this is the gnome 3's error screen that logs you out if
"something" "wrong" happens... or not.

> Do you, perhaps have one of these dual-mode graphics cards on that
> laptop? 
Should be a radeon 3100. But I can be wrong.

What driver are you using? A friend of mine had the same problem with a
Radeon card: each time he plugged the power cord in, the computer
crashed. It turned out that the change of brightness triggered by the
power manager daemon on plug in made the FGLRX driver crash... It didn't
crash each time brightness was changed, but each time it crashed, the
brightness was changing.

In the end, he switched to the open source drivers. Since then, no

Have a look at your log files (Xorg, message, kernel,
~/.xsession-error): it might help.

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