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Re: Tools in Debian to create whole disk image (multiple partitions)?

On Du, 22 iul 12, 19:28:35, Rick Thomas wrote:
> If all the empty space is filled with something redundant (like,
> zeroes?) then you can use almost any compress program (gzip comes to
> mind...) and it will all be compressed out.
> If the empty space is filled with random junk, it will depend on
> just how "random" the junk is.
> Does that help?

A compressor of course helps reduce the size a *lot* (it's only 368 MiB 
gziped), but this introduces an additional step that I was trying to 

I'll look at Colenzilla, but just creating the live USB is a pain[1] and 
having to reboot each time I want to generate a new image is also not 
something I look forward to :(

[1] http://clonezilla.org/liveusb.php

Kind regards,
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