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Re: Suspend to RAM fails in Debian Wheezy 64 bits


Dňa Fri, 20 Jul 2012 17:45:15 +0200 Gaël DONVAL <gael.donval@cnrs-imn.fr>

> > I'm having the same problem with nvidia drivers, but KDE4.
> I guess Nvidia is once again the one to blame …

As i wrote early, i has similar problem some days ago. I have the nvidia
too, with driver from testing repos. But after i unplug the mentioned USB
stick, the problem goes out. And because it works now for me as expected.
then i did not another inspections yet, then i cannot tell why it was here.

By mentioned, it seems as not the nvidia related. Or minimal, not the
nvidia + XFCE related.

When i was under KDE4 (to 4.4 version), there was often problems with KDE4
& nvidia, but i don't know if the problems was on nvidia side, or KDE
side, or on both sides.



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