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Space problems with wheezy install [was: Re: WHEEZY]

[please try to have a more descriptive subject, as I did, otherwise 
nobody will know if you ask about different issues]

On Vi, 20 iul 12, 10:03:47, vykuntam srinivas wrote:
> hi all,i  have upgraded to wheezy.Its looking awesome and nice gdm.Actually
>  i have alloted 10GB of disk space to debian,when i do upgrade it's showing
> only 644MB free space.How much disk space wheezy takes?

Depends a lot on the package selection, of which you only mentioned gdm. 
I have a Debian graphical installations in less than 2 GB.

Try this (as root):

    du / -h --max-depth=1

If /usr is big you need to uninstall packages. If /var is big apt-get 
autoclean/clean may help. If /home is big that that's your files ;)

> or do i have any
> backup files on my file system   to be removed after upgrade?

Following commands may free up some space for you, but do read
'man apt-get' for details:

    apt-get autoremove
    apt-get autoclean # not needed if you run the next one
    apt-get clean

Kind regards,
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