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Some Questions with an All Text System

Hello All,

After some 4 1/2 years of living with a linux-only system and getting acquainted with several distros, I have finally chosen Debian as my OS. Ever since I switched about a year ago I have had a wonderful experience with a community which is strong and helpful.

About 2 months ago I started to test the idea of using a text-only interface. Previous experience with Guake had made the transition easier and in a short amount of time I started feeling much more productive when using the computer. Lynx is my browser of choice since text-mode browsing seems to counter my extreme tendency to procrastinate and link-surf while connected to the net. I have added "text"to the kernel line at grub to prevent running X at boot.

Now, to the questions!

1. How can I configure the system to boot into 'fbterm -S 16' (with the size option) and then run 'tmux' if I am on a specified virtual terminal. Say, tty 2 and 3.

2. How can I make it so mc and other programs can use the gpm mouse? If I set the permissions of /dev/input/mice to "606" It works in the bare tty term [and works with SDL apps too], but not under fbterm (or tmux under fbterm). 

3. How can I define "mc" as "mc -S gotar.ini"? or "mocp" as "mocp -T yellow_red_theme" ? Where can I set those aliases (is that it?) at boot?

4. What is a good way to run SuperCollider?

Many thanks to all.

Daniel Jiménez

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