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Re: (Debugging help) Re: Shutting down error

On Thu, 19 Jul 2012 10:26:21 +0100, Brian wrote:

> On Wed 18 Jul 2012 at 14:25:49 +0000, Camaleón wrote:
>> Any idea on how could I debug this?
>> I'm considering in opening a bug report because messages are still
>> there for rsyslogd and gnome-helper-pty (I have disabled "rpcbind"
>> service because I'm not using NFS).
> So the output on shutting down is now similar to the original but
> without the rpcbind line?

Yes, it's the same except for the "rpcbind" line that now is not present 
because the service has not been started.

> I think neither rsyslogd nor rpcbind is the problem here.

Well, they seem to fail to be stopped when I shutdown or restart the 
system :-?

> gnome-helper-pty comes in the libvte9 package and has a number of
> reverse depends; synaptic and gnome-terminal are among them. You could
> close down any such programs and check with ps whether gnome-helper-pty
> is still running before shutting down. Or log out and check.

I have tried, for instance, to manually stop "gnome-pty-helper" service 
but is restarted/spawned again. 

> On shutdown, /etc/init.d/sendsigs sends killall5 -15 to processes. If a
> process does not respond it follows up with a SIGKILL. The question is
> why gnome-helper-pty is not responding to a SIGTERM. 

And not only gnome-pty-helper but the other services. What I find 
strtange is that "kill -9 rsyslog" stops the service just fine while the 
shutting down/restarting sequence does not.

> My problem (which I think I've now solved) was because a process which
> I had started at boot time had not completed, so it refused to go away
> when asked to politely.

I'll check the services and play with them a bit, let's see if I can find 
what is causing this.

Greetings (and thanks for the feedback),


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