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Re: What does group consider to be "on topic"?

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 07:57:11PM +0000, Camaleón wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 05:06:28 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
> > Oh, right! like if you turn your hazard lights on in your car you can
> > park anywhere you like. :(
> Well, exactly... that's what an OT flag is for: you are saying "hey, 
> people, something happens here but I don't know what, watch out!"

As an aside, I was referring to people parking anywhere they like and
thinking it is ok to do so if they turn their hazard lights on, not in
the genuine case of "watch out! something happens here" An accident, or
**genuine** hazzzzard. 

Relating this to the [OT] flag; sometimes during a thread, a sub-topic
will start, perhaps by a misleading statement or remark which prompts a
corrective statement by an eagle eyed reader. This "corrective" action,
may in fact, be unrelated to the original topic, and hence the [OT] flag
is a good indicator that the discussion in this sub-thread is, infact
off-topic. A threaded MUA, like mutt allows you to hide such sub-threads.

If it is a case of "hey, people, something happens here but I don't know
what" then IMHO, an [OT] flag is not needed. 


"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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