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Re: audio capturing in debian?

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 10:09:34PM -0400, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Hi again,
> You wrote:
> >>to cointheir expression, in three words, record any audio.
> >>If I have miss typed the ink let me know.>
> >Still not sure what you're looking for; there are plenty of utilities /
> >programs in Debian that can record audio, from arecord to audacity.
> >What, exactly, are you trying to do?>
> I am seeking to find one single program, as audio hijack pro is one
> single program, that combines multiple recording functions...so I do
> not have to hunt through many utilities.
> I do know about audacity, nice to  learn there is a copy in debian.
> But there are times when I wish to say at sound cloud, capture the
> audio of a file I cannot download, or capture an audio stream, or
> capture if the audio is embedded, or in a video when I do not want
> the video etc.
> I can do all these things as a part of audio hijack pro, which is
> why my subject line was capturing audio in debian.
> After all when I first asked about installing, everything, meaning I
> suppose I could hunt through the pile, many suggested otherwise.
> so, again, is there a single program that puts all the functions
> into one place?
> Thanks,
> Karen

It might be rather low-level, but you could look at "module-pipe-sink"
for pulseaudio. That can send all audio to a named pipe (that is, as
well as or instead of going to your speakers, the audio goes to the
named pipe). From there you can easily "lame -r /path/to/named.pipe
~/recording.mp3" or similar.


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