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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

Stop making it complicated. She just needs to download the netinst cd then burn the .iso image. There is no need to get a full image file, whether CD or DVD, to install Linux.

On 11/07/12 02:38 PM, Wayne Topa wrote:
On 07/11/2012 02:29 PM, Luiz L. Marins wrote:

Just past and copy to prompt:

wget -c

Since you are running XP now, you can get wget from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm

There are other sources as well.  Google is your friend!

Hope this helps

Em 11-07-2012 12:36, Kirsten Milligan escreveu:
After several attempts over several years, I haven't yet had complete
success installing Linux. I'm hungry to learn, but am very poor at
computerspeak, so please be gentle.

I'm trying again. I know, some steps would be removed from the process
if I'd buy disks, but I'd really like to master this.

I navigated to http://atterer.org/jigdo/ from debian.org, and am
trying to follow the instructions on Atterer's page. I'm concerned
because near the top of the page is the following:

'This software is now in "maintenance mode", development has stopped.
Unfortunately, this means that various parts (in particular the GUI
download tool) will remain unfinished,'

with a note above saying that the last update was on 2010-9-23. I
wouldn't think debian.org would send me to the page, if the page were
no longer useful, so I've been plowing ahead.

I have downloaded jigdo-lite
(I'm using Windows XP), and I believe I've successfully got a command
line interface. (I have a black window with a bunch of text that has
proliferated with previous unsuccessful attempts (due to typos and the
like) to access Debian's 6.0.5 CD-1 image.) At the jigdo prompt, I
have typed
which link location I copied from the list at

What seem most pertinent to me, of the things jigdo is telling me, are
the parts that say, "301 Moved Permanently," followed by a URL, then a
"Resolving," followed by a "Connecting," and a "connected," then "404
Not Found," and "File 'debian-6.0.5-i386-CD-1.jigdo' does not exist!"

I decided to return to the jigdo window, before sending this, to try
again, this time with the CD-1 template; maybe I'd garner more
information about my trouble that way. Now I'm even more confused,
because I can't get a jidgo prompt. There's just a blinking cursor at
the left edge, with stuff above that looks like what I've been
entering, but which seems to bleed off the right edge, though there is
no scroll bar at the bottom of the window, and though I cannot expand
the window horizontally (double-headed arrow appears, but doesn't
work). Nothing I type makes a difference to the window; the cursor
just keeps blinking. I tried making the window full-page, but it looks
just the same, only bigger.

Is it clear, from what I've described, what I've done to hang up
jigdo, and why I can't access the CD image for download? Can anyone
help me make this work?

Specifically, is there a way to get back to a jigdo prompt, other than
uninstalling and reinstalling jidgo? And is that CD image really
available for download? And, if so, what do I need to do differently
in order to download it?

Thanks very much for your attention.


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