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Re: Squeeze, MySQL and hosts.allow and hosts.deny ignored

I tried from same and from another host too (with -h parameters)
In log I don't see any in log about connecting.
Is the tcp wrapper check first and than check by mysql grants or reverse?

# mysql -h localhost -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 288
Server version: 5.1.63-0+squeeze1 (Debian)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


and in hosts.deny is ALL:ALL

Zdenek Herman

Dne 10.7.2012 06:46, Kushal Kumaran napsal(a):
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 11:41 PM, Zdenek Herman <zdenek.herman@ille.cz> wrote:
My hosts.deny
# /etc/hosts.deny: list of hosts that are _not_ allowed to access the
#                  See the manual pages hosts_access(5) and
# Example:    ALL: some.host.name, .some.domain
#             ALL EXCEPT in.fingerd: other.host.name, .other.domain
# If you're going to protect the portmapper use the name "portmap" for the
# daemon name. Remember that you can only use the keyword "ALL" and IP
# addresses (NOT host or domain names) for the portmapper, as well as for
# rpc.mountd (the NFS mount daemon). See portmap(8) and rpc.mountd(8)
# for further information.
# The PARANOID wildcard matches any host whose name does not match its
# address.
# You may wish to enable this to ensure any programs that don't
# validate looked up hostnames still leave understandable logs. In past
# versions of Debian this has been the default.
ALL: ALL : spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access DENIED from %u@%h
[%a] >> /var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) &

My hosts.allow
# /etc/hosts.allow: list of hosts that are allowed to access the system.
#                   See the manual pages hosts_access(5) and
# Example:    ALL: LOCAL @some_netgroup
#             ALL: .foobar.edu EXCEPT terminalserver.foobar.edu
# If you're going to protect the portmapper use the name "portmap" for the
# daemon name. Remember that you can only use the keyword "ALL" and IP
# addresses (NOT host or domain names) for the portmapper, as well as for
# rpc.mountd (the NFS mount daemon). See portmap(8) and rpc.mountd(8)
# for further information.
sshd: \
     : spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access ALLOWED from %u@%h [%a]
/var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) &

I tested with mysqld: ALL in hosts.deny too.

What was the mysql client command line which failed?  If running on
the same host as the server, the mysql client will use the unix-domain
socket in /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock for connecting to the server.
To force it to use an AF_INET socket, pass -h to the mysql
client (-h localhost is not sufficient).

I just tested this on my debian squeeze mysql setup.  With -h and "mysqld: ALL" in hosts.deny, connections are rejected.
If you do not want to use mysql access control, you should disable the
socket in the mysql server config, if that's possible.

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