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Re: Restore point needed

El 2012-07-07 a las 19:54 -0700, cletusjenkins escribió:

(resending to the list)

>  > (www.higiene.edu.uy). 
>  > > I think - if possible for developpers -, that a "restore point" could be 
>  > > a great step forward. 
>  >  
>  > Uh? You man something like the Windows restore points? I've seen nothing  
>  > like that for Linux but yes, it would great for users having a similar  
>  > option although I barely have used it, in Windows, I mean. 
> With debian's packaging system, it could (in theory) be easy code 
> something to save copies of configuration files somewhere. If a 
> problem was found, the rolling back to the "restore point" could 
> basically be reinstalling the old deb for the package (or possibly 
> restoring saved copies of the original binaries along with the config 
> files) then restoring the old config files. Making this play nice with
> with dpkg with pinning or some other method might be a bit tricky 
> though. But then again I am NOT a developer.

Yes, I see no technical problem for having such option here but 
regardless the possibility on having that tool (not available yet) you 
still can make use of the snapshot repository to get an older deb 
package, for instance, when an upadate renders the new one unusable or 
simply is broken.

Anyway, using the stable version of Debian (now Squeeze) should prevent 
for that things to happen because only security patches are going 
through the update routine and that's precissely one of the reasons for 
recommending stable releases for production systems and servers: things 
break less :-)

> My job requires me to do a lot of work with windows machines and 
> although I do not use restore points it is an interesting idea. I used
> it once on a friends laptop he got infected and it wasn't nearly as 
> perfect as microsoft claims, it did get them system in a semi-working 
> situation where I could clean the virus out (prior to that the virus 
> had hijacked all major binaries so I couldn't get online, get a 
> command prompt or even browse the harddrive!!).

Yes, I also have a bunch of windows systems to administer so I also 
have faced malware situations but in my case, restore points were of no 
use becasue of the nature of the malware (viruses are eaiser to remove 
but rootkits are a real pain and you can't get rid of them by restoring 
the system to a previous state...).

> Part of my job is to push security patches to (non-virtual) windows 
> hosts, if we introduce a problem with the patches we have a Ghost 
> network that can push out a "Known good image" and run a script to 
> set the machines specific host info. It can be bit of hassle trying to
> get the specific apps (proprietary telco stuff) back, but it is a lot 
> faster than trying to manually fix a bunch of systems.

That's similar to what virtual machines provide by menas of the 
snapshots, which I also find really useful.



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