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Re: Google Chrome is installed but won't run

On 07/07/12 18:21, Lisi wrote:
I have just installed Google Chrome on a vanilla almost default Squeeze/LXDE
installation.  It is there, but won't run.  I have tried:

click on icon in menu - nothing happens

launch from launcher - command is accepted, but launcher then hangs

run from terminal - command is accepted, but terminal then hangs

run from terminal with complete path (/usr/bin/google-chrome) - command is
accepted, but terminal then hangs

Run from root terminal - error message comes up:
root@Hercules:/home/peter# google-chrome
Startup refusing to run as root.

At least the last one tells you what's wrong :-)

I'd try running it with strace, in an effort to see what it's trying and failing to do.

$ strace google-chrome

You might need to install the strace package first, of course.


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