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Re: using bittorrent for backup of personal files

On Tuesday 06 March 2012 7:18:49 pm Rob Owens wrote:
> I'm considering using bittorrent to back up large files such as pictures
> and home movies.  I am the admin for several of my family members'
> computers.  The idea would be to back up my files onto their machines,
> then eventually back their stuff up in the same manner, resulting in
> several off-site backups for each of us.

Aren't you trying to do something that BT doesn't do?  BT is good when you 
have lots of people who want to download a file and lots of people have the 
file.  Then transmitting the file is broken up among many people.  In your case 
only one person has the file(s) and you want to copy them to a few other 
people.  Seems to me like you are trying to use the wrong tool.


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