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Re: How to keep track of files installed from sources?

>> On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 21:53:49 +0100, 
>> Csanyi Pal <csanyipal@gmail.com> said:

C> I want to install GNUstep from sources on my Debian GNU/Linux SID sytem.
C> How can I know where come installed files after I did run: ./configure
C> && make && sudo -E make install commands?

C> this is important if I decide later to uninstall files installed from
C> sources.

   If you want a list of what files were installed, the easiest way is
   probably to do the configure/make/make install dance twice.  The first
   time, install under a disposable directory:

     root# mkdir /tmp/local
     root# cd /your/source/directory
     root# ./configure --prefix=/tmp/local --whatever
     root# make && make install

   If you're planning on installing under /usr/local:

     root# find /tmp/local -printf "%y %p %m %u %g %l\n" | sort -k2,2 |
           sed -e 's!/tmp/local!/usr/local!' > list-of-installed-files
     root# rm -rf /tmp/local
     root# make distclean       # or make realclean, start from scratch
     root# ./configure ...      # use real options this time
     root# make && make check && make install

   "find" gives the filetype, path, mode, owner, group, and an optional 6th
   field if the file is a symbolic link; "sort" gives results sorted by
   filename.  Some sample output:

     d /usr/local/bin 755 root bin
     f /usr/local/bin/antiword 755 root bin
     f /usr/local/bin/authlog 755 root bin
     f /usr/local/bin/avg 755 root bin
     l /usr/local/bin/bootlog 777 root bin authlog
     d /usr/local/lib 755 root bin

   Here, /usr/local/bin/bootlog is a symlink to /usr/local/bin/authlog.
   If you're paranoid, either save the output from "make install" or do a
   separate check to make sure nothing was written outside of /usr/local:

     root# find / /usr -xdev -mtime -1 -ls

Karl Vogel                      I don't speak for the USAF or my company

I put instant coffee in a microwave and went back in time.  --Steven Wright

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