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Re: OT: Newbie questions on security

On 08/03/12 16:40, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Jo, 08 mar 12, 12:52:01, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

You can post them here as long as they are Debian related[2]. If there
is a better list for any specific question you will get hints.

Sorry list, I didn't expect what was about to come...

nobody did

Sayvoid, your questions shows a lack of research. Most of them could be answered with the right google search.

Also, Im happy to see you are eager to learn, but start reading the debian-reference for starters (apt-get install debian-reference; dpkg -L debian-reference) prior reading securing-debian...

Also, if you still have to make THESE many questions (that i really think you didnt google about most of them), either space them in time, or post a single mail with a semi-descriptive subject saying something like "Lots of noobish questions" or something along those lines, where ppl can answer you inline... while you avoid spaming the list...


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