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Re: Understanding the -depth option of find?



One followup below...

On Wednesday 07 March 2012 12:51:48 pm Camaleón wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Mar 2012 08:39:05 -0500, Randy Kramer wrote:
> >      % find . -print -depth | cpio -ov > tree.cpio

> However, if you remember to use -depth, find will instead start its
> search at the lowest level, meaning it will list the contents of
> directories before it lists the directories themselves. This means that
> the files will already have been replicated by cpio before it sets the
> read-only permissions on the parent directory."

I guess that implies I'd better do something about the permissions on that 
read-only subdirectory before the next (and each) time I run that find...cpio 

Randy Kramer

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