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Re: CUPS assuming I'm the admin instead of prompting for user/pass

On 11/21/2011 11:12 AM, Kent West wrote:
On 11/21/2011 11:04 AM, Kent West wrote:
In times past I've been able to browse to http://localhost:621/admin and have it prompt me for the username/password.

Now, when I browse there, it does not prompt me. I guess it assumes I want to do administrative things as my normal non-privileged user. I suppose I could add my non-priv user to lpadmin, but I'd rather be prompted for a privilege escalation.

How can I get CUPS to prompt me again for the admin user/password?


No, on further tinkering, that doesn't seem to be quite the issue. I'm getting different Home pages at various times, and I just now realized that if I start at localhost:631, sometime I wind up at an IPADDRESS:631 which is not the IPAddress of my localhost box. Then if I try to browse to http://MYLOCALIP:631 I get a "can't establish connection to the server at THATADDRESS".

It seems that CUPS thinks my localhost IP address is something different than what it actually is.

I just added the line:

Listen MYLOCALHOSTIPADDRESS:631 to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and then did an "/etc/init.d/cups restart". Now when I try to go to MYLOCALHOSTIPADDRESS:631 I get a 403 Forbidden.

Kent West<*)))><
Praise Yah! \o/

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