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I'm trying to install an HP printer, on SID, but it's one of those odd
ones where the driver isn't  available in the repositories.
I've downloaded the self-installing driver from Sourceforge, but it
only gets part way through before complaining that 'libusb' is required
before the install can go ahead.
I ran an install for libusb but am informed that there's no such
package. I then opened up the aptitude interface and went looking,
installing anything that had 'libusb' in its name. Still the same

Does anybody know what is happening here?
Has 'libusb' been renamed in SID?
Is there any other explanation of this type?

This install does work. I've used it before and can remember having to
install packages to effect the install last time, but I didn't get
exactly this reaction last time.

Thanks for any time and trouble.


"In a world without walls and fences, 
what need have we for Windows or Gates?"

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