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Re: cron on a system without a hardware persistant clock

David Goodenough wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Then I would create a new script that would set the clock to as
> > reasonable of a value as possible.  You don't have a real time value
> > yet but most importantly you don't want to set it to a time that is
> > before the system was stopped.  So I would look for a file on the
> > filesystem that is always active on the system.  I would extract the
> > time from that file and use it as the basis for the new system time.
> > Then at the very least you would have monotonically increasing time.
> > You would not be duplicating any previous times.  Then when NTP sets
> > the system to the actual time it may jump forward.  But that is going
> > to happen anyway.  And then at least it won't fire cron tasks multiple
> > times.
> well the 1st Jan 1970 00:00am is as good a a value as any, how would
> setting it to some other value help?

Because it ensures that the system time is always monotonically
increasing.  Time points are never repeated.  Monotonically increasing
time is an essential point of time keeping.  Otherwise you could have
system logs duplicated.  Otherwise you could have cron trigger
cronjobs multiple times for the same task.

But I am surprised by your question.  If you believe that the Unix
zero epoch is always as good of a time as any then what is your
concern?  It can't be cron since those two concerns are one concern
inextricably intertwined.  Being concerned about cron *is* being
concerned that the system has a proper monotonically increasing clock

> What does cron do with events that should have happened during the 
> jump that ntpdate will cause in the clock. 

Nothing.  Since those time points did not happen then cron did not
trigger them.

The anacron package mentioned by others is designed specifically to
handle the cron.daiy et al scripts.  That way if your machine is off
at the time they would run but boots shortly afterward those tasks
will still be run.  Think of a laptop being suspended and resumed
skipping over those times of day.  With anacron installed those daily
scripts will run later when the machine has been resumed.  I am not
really a fan of anacron myself but it does provide a useful function
for those cases.

> If they are ignored then I suppose I am safe provided I do not set
> things too close to 00:00am.

Mostly, yes.  Don't have any cronjobs within a reasonable window of
time and you will be fine.  For example I avoid scheduling jobs
between 2am-3am because in my timezone that is when DST changes happen
and that will cause tasks to either be skipped or run twice.

> But then when does it do daily and monthly tasks, 00:00am would seem
> like a reasonable time, or does it do it later to avoid problems
> with daylight saving changes.

You can look this up for yourself:

  $ cat /etc/crontab
  # m h dom mon dow user	command
  17 *	* * *	root    cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
  25 6	* * *	root	test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
  47 6	* * 7	root	test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly )
  52 6	1 * *	root	test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly )

Since 6am is outside most countries DST changes the problem of DST is


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