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Re: Gimp problem

>18/09/2011 18:01, tv.debian@googlemail.com wrote:
>> 18/09/2011 14:50, Frank McCormick wrote:
>> I posted this question on the GIMP list but no one seems to know the
>> answer.
>> When I open an image in the latest GIMP 2.6 on Debian Sid the file
>> extension choice window is too small and can't be resized or moved.
>> This is an example of what happens. It
>> It's only a minor annoyance but I'd like to be able to fix it if possible.
>> Any suggestions?
>> http://imagebin.org/172940
> Hi, I don't have time to troubleshoot it now, but I can confirm I have
> the same problem. I use kde as my DE and I strongly suspect an
> "oxygen-gtk" or some other kde restyling of gtk apps weirdness. I don't
> think gimp is touched by any gtk3 transition right now, but I can be
> wrong since I don't follow gtk evolution closely.
> Or maybe just a gimp bug introduced by the latest update (I remember
> seeing one not long ago). I'll investigate later today, but feel free to
> find a cure first and share it ;-) !

I was wrong, the issue isn't related to kde gtk styling, I narrowed it
down to those packages, downgrading them solves the problem:

gtk2-engines-oxygen 1.1.3-1 -> 1.1.2-1  (only on KDE)

libgail18 2.24.6-1 -> 2.24.4-3
libgtk2.0-0 2.24.6-1 -> 2.24.4-3
libgtk2.0-bin 2.24.6-1 -> 2.24.4-3
librsvg2-2 2.34.1-2 -> 2.34.0-1
librsvg2-bin 2.34.1-2 -> 2.34.0-1
librsvg2-common 2.34.1-2 -> 2.34.0-1

The bug shows up in Inkscape too, and probably many other gtk apps. I'll
try to work out which one of those packages to file a bug against, if
someone has more free time/is more gtk-savy than me feel free to file
the bug and pass the number around ;-) .


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