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Re: 3D.rendering became slow since moved to wheezy.

Thank You for Your time and answer again, Jörg-Volker:

>so hardware rendering is still used.
>(By the way, glxgears is not good for any performance test or

Yes. It does - as said, Just became much slower.

Yet it gave me some numbers that agree w/ the situation. But even in
case we leave the utility, I see openarena plays extremely slow than

>In case of problems, I would have expected something like "Direct
>rendering disabled".
>I see no clue for reduced performance here.

Me too.

>Does the output of
>  grep -E '\((WW|EE)\)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
>give some hints?

No... :(

[    38.110] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does
not exist.
[    41.173] (EE) Query no Synaptics: 6003C8
[    41.174] (EE) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad Unable to query/initialize
Synaptics hardware.
[    41.176] (EE) PreInit returned 11 for "SynPS/2
Synaptics TouchPad"
[   698.517] (EE) Query no Synaptics: 6003C8
[   698.517] (EE) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad Unable to query/initialize
Synaptics hardware.
[   698.540] (EE) PreInit returned 11 for "SynPS/2
Synaptics TouchPad"

I want to try to login w/ failsafe session (just X-terminal available)
but it fails for me - to try openarena there - to be out of K/LX -DEs -
do You know what can be missing?

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