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Re: 100% used / file system. Doh!

Lisi wrote:
> Have just realised that I can't do this yet because I haven't yet solved the 
> problem of installing it!!

I am not sure how important this particular program is but I think it
will help.

Since it is really just a single binary program you can go through and
grab a copy of it manually.  It has a few manual steps but isn't that
hard.  Since you have space in /home you can do this.  You very likely
have the things needed such as 'ar', 'tar', and the libx11-6, libxaw7,
libxt6 libraries already installed.

Go to this URL:


Download the package to your home directory for your architecture.  I
will assume i386 for now.  You will have this file:

  -rw-rw-r-- 1 15908 Sep 20 14:48 xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb

You can unpack that using dpkg-source but that is in the dpkg-dev
package and you might not have it.  However debs are simply 'ar'
achive files and you almost certainly already have ar available since
it is required by many, many other packages.

  $ ar t xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb

There are three files in the archive.  You want the data.tar.gz file
from it.

  $ ar xv xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb data.tar.gz
  x - data.tar.gz

  $ tar tvzf data.tar.gz | grep bin/xdu
  -rwxr-xr-x root/root     15996 2006-10-08 04:27 ./usr/bin/xdu

  $ tar xzvf data.tar.gz ./usr/bin/xdu

That extracted the program to the current directory and created the
usr and bin directories under it.  Those are extra for our purposes so
lets clean those up.  Let's put this in your $HOME/bin directory.  I
assume you already have one of those.  If not then make it.

  $ mkdir ~/bin
  $ mv usr/bin/xdu ~/bin/

Then clean up.

  $ rmdir usr/bin usr
  $ rm data.tar.gz

At this point the program should run for you.  (Unless you are missing
a library.)  If ~/bin is already in your PATH then you don't need to
do anything special.  If not then for the moment just call it from

  $ ~/bin/xdu /home/du-xk.out

Also, I should note that it is important to run the du as root so that
it actually has access to all of the directories.

  # du -xk / | tee /home/du-xk.out

After you clean up your disk space I would install xdu as a package.
Then clean up your ~/bin/xdu version as a final step since you won't
need it anymore.

Good luck!

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