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Re: Alt-Tab does not work in my KDE

H Xu <xusubsc@gmail.com> writes:

 > Hello,
 > I'm using Debian wheezy and the Tab switcher usually does not work on
 > my KDE, although sometimes it works very well. I've googled and have
 > no idea of what is going on here. Could anyone help me, please?

Probably some minor configuration / keyboard lay out issue. Check if you
have anything special in your keyboard layout / switching options. 

Tried if this works fine in a new user?? 

Just create a new user, and log in as the new user. 

Mahesh T. Pai   ||
That men do not learn much from the lessons of history is the most
important of all the lessons that history has to teach us.
--Aldous Huxley

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