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Re: Encoder for linux

On 15/09/11 22:31, cosme@esid.gecgr.co.cu wrote:
>> On Tue, 13 Sep 2011 12:06:56 -0400, cosme wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I'm looking for something similar to Windows Media Encoder Series 9 ES
>>> in Linux.
>>> I'm use Debian squeeze


> Windows Media Encoder � Microsoft � 9 Series is a powerful tool to convert
> audio production and live or prerecorded video in Windows Media files or
> streams. 

[/marketing beep]

> The following section provides conceptual information about the
> coding process and provides the steps to use Windows Media Encoder.

No it doesn't - the internet dog must of eaten it.

> i'm looking for a linux program similar
> thanks
> Cosme

Lacking psychic powers I looked up this "Windows Media Encoder"...
seems it's discontinued and has been replaced with the, presumably even
more powerful, Expression Encoder 4. - which is not as powerful, or
convenient as the Expression Encoder 4 Pro! Which can be purchased....

Anyway - upon perusal it's not powerful by Linux standards.... knowing
your chosen desktop whould simplify things.

$ apt-cache search encoder
will give you an idea of the staggering list of choices, whereas the
reference "tool" has only a limited number of codec choices.

Some possible candidates not already suggested:-
Arista, and Nautilus-Arista (Gnome)
Winff (any DE)

For another list look at:-

NOTE: the debian multimedia (used with care) will increase your range of
choices. Perhaps your search might be simplified if you chose an output
codec - and/or an input format.


"I ascribe to Mark Twain's theory that the last person who should be
President is the one who wants it the most. The one who should be picked
is the one who should be dragged kicking and screaming into the White
— Bill Hicks

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