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Re: Bind does not die

Jari Fredriksson wrote:
> Whenever I shutdown or reboot my Debians, the process fails. Bind
> shutdown process waits for the process to end indefinitely, and the
> machine does not shut down. I have to manually find the process and kill
> with -9.

This reads like a problem with your /etc/bind/rndc.key file.  What
does this say when you try to run the stop command manually?

  # rndc stop

If that indicates a problem with the rndc.key file then check that the
contents have not been munged.  Check that the file permissions have
not been munged.

The contents should look something like this but with some different
random contnes for the secret string.

An example /etc/bind/rndc.key file:

  key "rndc-key" {
          algorithm hmac-md5;
          secret "Zm9vIGZvbyBmb28gZm9vCg==";

The file permissions should look like this:

  -rw-r-----   1 bind bind    77 May  3  2010 rndc.key

If you do not have the file then you can generate a new one with this

  # dc-confgen -r /dev/urandom -a

If you fix a problem with the rndc.key file you will need to manually
kill the named program and then restart it.  After fixing the file and
restarting then named should start and stop normally again.


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