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Re: Transplanting old System to New Drive (now Linux for vision impaired)

On Friday 19 August 2011 01:38:58 Scott Ferguson wrote:
>  But most of the recommendations I get are from
> sighted people ie. Vinux is "supposed" to be good

You will have noticed that I didn't mention it!  (The Adriane version of 
Knoppix is, of course, good because Adriane Knopper helped to design it, and 
is partially sighted herself.)  Vinux is virtually useless for anyone totally 
blind, because it is complex to get into speech; and useless for anyone 
partially sighted because, although the desktop itself has been adapted 
(badly from my point of view), no deeper layers are.  So you click on an icon 
with a label in a not utterly useless text label - and that is as far as you 
get.  The apps all display in the original tiny fonts.  In fact, I agree with 
you that it is unusable.

ArchLinux for the Blind I don't know.  I must have a look at it.


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