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Re: Unable to create either bootable USB flashdrive or CD/DVDrom

On 12/08/11 08:53, Christian Jaeger wrote:
2011/8/9 Wolodja Wentland<babilen@gmail.com>:
Why don't you follow the method outlined in the installation


I'm trying to follow "4.3.3. Manually copying files to the USB stick
� the flexible way".

Here are the questions not answered by this guide:

1. I run "cfdisk /dev/sdb", after I did the "cat ...iso>  /dev/sdb";
 cfdisk shows an empty partition table, I create 1 partition, mark it
 bootable, set the type to 0B [or now, to 0E], write. * How do I
know whether cfdisk really made a new partition table, i.e. wrote all
the necessary places to clean off the previous iso bits?

It (sic) doesn't give an error message (when no error has occurred).
There's a fine man for cfdisk. Please do the Debian (and Ewebuntu) world a favour and read it.

2. Which partition type qualifies as the *right* FAT16 type? These
are the choices:

04 FAT16<32M 06 FAT16 0E W95 FAT16 (LBA) 14 Hidden FAT16<32M 16
Hidden FAT16 1E Hidden W95 FAT16 (LB


[3. Ubuntu has an initrd.lz file, not initrd.gz, will that work?]

This is *not* the Ubuntu list.
Ubuntu != Debian

4. The guide says "If you used an hd-media image, you should now copy
a Debian ISO image[6] onto the stick." and "[6] You can use either a
businesscard, a netinst or a full CD image (see Section 4.1,
�Official Debian GNU/Linux CD-ROM Sets�). Be sure to select one that
fits. Note that the �netboot mini.iso� image is not usable for this

* I didn't use the hd-media image,

Then "it" doesn't apply...

since I'm in section 4.3.3 which doesn't use hd-media!

You're in, which is a sub-section of 4.3 - which "can" use hd-media.

This is a logical bug in the manual that only confused me. * Well
"especially" *if* I'm not using the hd-media image, I'm of course
supposed to copy the contents of the iso now? * the manual doesn't
say whether to mount the iso and copy the contents recursively (and
to which target location), or whether to copy the iso file itself
(neither which location).

It (the .iso) is a single file. Recursive does not apply.

It says "you should now copy a Debian ISO image[6] onto the stick. When
you are done, unmount the USB memory stick (umount /mnt)."

So you *do* need to "mount" the stick.

5. what I tried so far doesn't even bring up the syslinux boot menu
(it should, shouldn't it, even if there's only 1 entry?). It just
shows a black screen with blinking underline cursor in top left
corner, doing nothing.

6. the manual doesn't hint at what else is needed in syslinux.cfg to
 have a chance of it working.

Also, there's no *boot.img* on the mythbuntu iso,

It. Is. Not. Debian.

The appropriate place to ask these question is with Mythbuntu.

so I can't try
section 4.3.2.
> Of course I know that this manual is for creating a
Debian boot, not Ubuntu boot;

Then you have identified the problem. Please eliminate the problem by taking your Ubuntu issues to Ubuntu.

but in any case, my problem of using
Debian to enable me to boot any kind of Ubuntu based image is

And hopefully it will remain that way as long as Debian has no say in how Ubuntu does things.



“I’ve been on what I call my UFO Tour, which means, like UFOs, I too
have been appearing in small southern towns in front of a handful of
hillbillies lately. I’ve been doubting my own existence”
~ Bill Hicks

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