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Re: Squeeze rotating cursor blinks

On Tue, 2011-08-09 at 18:44 +0200, Camaleón wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 19:19:05 +0200, Tomas Kral wrote:
> > Just noticed an interesting fact about cursor on Squeeze.
> > 
> > The rotating cursor, showing when an app is busy, is actually blinking
> > at intervals.
> It also blinks (appears/disappears) sometimes/randomly for me (wheezy)... 
> maybe this is something related with the VGA driver in use, in my case, 
> intel.
> > This does not show with Lenny, where it is steady rotating, this happens
> > only with Squeeze.
> > 
> > I remember there used to be a parameter during install whereby I could
> > give desktop applications extra performance boost over background tasks.
> I'm not aware of such parameter during install :-?
> > Not sure if this could be the reason for the cursor blinking.
> There are some options you can tweak to control the behaviour of the 
> jumping/bouncing icon when clicking over icons to run applications but I 
> don't think this is going to have any effect over the "blinking" issue...
> Greetings,
> -- 
> Camaleón

Thing is, this happens with Squeeze onwards, not in Lenny backwards.
I also notice a bit of sluggish desktop performance in Squeeze compared
to Lenny. I associated the cursor behavior with it. 

I have dual boot of both, same set of apps, so I can evaluate a little

Sometimes cursor disappears for good of a second, I have to double click
icons once, twice, sometimes even thrice, before a folder opens up,
mounted cdrom opens, etc.

Not sure, so far Lenny outperforms Squeeze at least on my hardware.

Tomas Kral <thomas.kral@email.cz>

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