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For those of you having trouble with kernel-package and Linux V3 ...

For those of you having trouble with kernel-package and Linux Version 3,
I have an unofficial patch that may solve your problems, particularly if
you have CONFIG_LGUEST set in the kernel config file or you are trying
to build a headers package.  The patch is available here:
(Sorry, I realize that it is customary to include patches in-line in an
e-mail, but my MUA (Mail User Agent) has the nasty habit of inserting
line-feed characters in long lines, expanding tabs to blanks, etc., which
make it useless for posting in-line patches.)

This is an unofficial patch: it does not come from the upstream author
or the Debian package maintainer.  Use it at your own risk.  To apply,
   cd /usr/share/kernel-package
   ... (download the patch to the current directory)
   patch -p1 <linuxv3.diff
This seems to work with "make" version 3.81-8.1.  There are reported problems
with "make" version 3.82 and kernel-package.  I haven't tried that yet.

  .''`.     Stephen Powell    
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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