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Re: Wheezy: how to disable SSH gnome-keyring by editing desktop configuration file

On 20110802_090648, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Hello List:
> On 02/08/11 00:10, Paul E Condon wrote:
> >On 20110801_230130, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Indeed, because I would suspect that a lot of packages depend on gnome-keyring
> >>as I could read on Google. But as only a `minimal' Gnome is actually
> >>installed on my box, it appeared that no package depends on it.
> >>OT: Gnome sounds heavy to me, and I plan to migrate to an alternative
> >>sooner or later.
> >>
> >>
> >>Jerome
> >
> >In Squeeze, Gnome key-ring can be disabled in the drop down menus by
> >going to
> >
> >System->Preferences->Startup Applications
> >
> >Then look under the Startup Programs tab
> >There you will find three check boxes that mention GNOME Keyring in
> >their description line.
> >Un-check them, Close, and re-boot
> According to the README.Debian of `gnome-keyring', this is also
> supported in Wheezy.
> >
> >This does not actually remove gnome-keyring, but it does allow lower
> >level system software to handle SSH keys, for instance.
> Yes, but is it a per user set up, not a system wide set up.
>  Disabling
> >things that are only available in GNOME should be the first step in
> >transitioning to a less heavy GUI. Your control over GNOME features
> >can't be anything but less reliable in the foreign environment.
> What is it meant by `foreign environment' ?

Sorry for not using a better word. I mean an environment that is not
the intended environment for GNOME key-ring. Nothing more.
This is only relevant if you actually intend to try other guis.

I didn't realize that you have multiple users on the computer.
My information probably is useless in setting up a system-wide

Paul E Condon           

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