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is there no sane, minimal, graphical RSS feed reader in existance?


I've been looking for a good RSS feed reader for years now but I still
seem not to be able to find a sane, minimal graphical RSS reader.

What I'm using now is liferea which is okay but could be more minimal
and mainly, is way too slow to enjoy using it (search for the fsync

So what is left?

- There is a bunch of web based readers but I treasure having my stuff
  offline as well.

- There are readers for the gnome or KDE environment. Since I use
  neither it would mean to get 100s of MB (literally) of dependencies

- There are firefox extensions but why would I have to install a web
  browser to read my RSS feeds?

- There are thunderbird, evolution and opera but same argument: why
  would I want to install an email-client/browser for my feeds?

- There are clients like blam that are written in .NET/mono and would
  also require dozens of dependencies (not talking about .NET evilness)

- There are readers for the terminal but I have several feeds with
  images and I dont want to open another window of my browser each time.

I can't imagine there are no others who do not use Gnome/KDE (having a
more minimal setup) but would want to have a graphical RSS reader?

What I'm looking for is not much: it would just depend on either
gtk/qt/efl/whatever for its UI, would have one list of the feeds,
another list for recent feed items and another frame with a gecko or
webkit plugin for presenting the item. Why this feature/dependency bloat

Why is there no simple reader with minimal dependencies? Am I just
overlooking one? Are my requirements too weird? I'm not afraid to
compile from source either, should it not be in Debian. Should I like it
I would also package it for Debian.

As I said, liferea is close (just had to bear with the gconf2
dependency) but slow as hell (and no, I refuse to use the "fsync

Are there others that share my need? If there is really no such thing as
a real minimal graphical RSS reader, I'm close to writing one myself.

Since I'm not subscribed, please dont forget to CC me. Thanks!

cheers, josch

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