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Re: xterm

Lennart Andersen wrote:
> if [ -r /etc/default/locale ]; then
>  . /etc/default/locale
> fi
> I commented it out and I get my locales that I want in xterm 

Instead of commenting that out I think it would be better to set the
desired locale in /etc/default/locale.  You can do that either
manually with a text editor or you can use the package manager.  In
another message on this thread I had suggested this action:

  $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Of course it will result in the same thing.  But this seems much more
supportable to me in the long run since it is configuring something
that is designed to be configured in this way instead of the init.d
script which will require merges later.  The init.d script is a
conffile and so your changes will be preserved but more painful to
merge upon later upgrades.  For the default locale file you shouldn't
need to make any changes upon an upgrade.

Glad to hear that you have resolved your problem regardless. :-)


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