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Re: booting from the other disk of a RAID-1

Scott Ferguson <prettyfly.productions@gmail.com> writes:

> On 28/06/11 19:15, lee wrote:
>> I'm glad it helped you and Peter.  Now the question is how to actually
>> solve the problem that one can boot from only one of the disks in a
>> RAID-1 array.  The point is to still be able to run the system when a
>> disk fails.  Should the one you boot from fail and you halt the system
>> to replace it, how do you boot?
> Insert usbkey with backup grub - boot from usbkey.

How do you make such an USB key?  It would be nice to have in case
anything fails, yet it shouldn't be needed.

Being able to boot despite one of the disks in the RAID-1 has failed is
one of the advantages of having a RAID-1 I don't want to miss.  USB-keys
are small and can be very hard to find.  Perhaps I shouldn't even make
such an USB-key because if I do, it won't take long for the disk to fail
and the USB-key will, of course, have disappeared: Murphys law ...

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