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Re: Running Squeeze on a 2 GB usb stick?

On 28/06/11 10:35, Darac Marjal wrote:
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 09:17:15PM -0700, Mark wrote:
    Hi - I have a work laptop with Windows and since it tracks basically
    everything I do, I'd like to install Squeeze to a 2 GB usb stick I have
    laying around so I can boot to that instead of the internal hdd for
    personal use.  I plan on doing the Expert Install and was wondering if
    there is advice on recommended packages other than the base system for my
    given circumstances?  Here's what I was thinking of installing in addition
    to the base system:

    -Synaptic Package Manager
    -Update Manager
    -Network Manager (or wicd)
    -A few things under Preferences like Appearance, Screensaver, Power

    Am I silly to think I'll be able to do this on 2 GB?  The laptop has 4 GB
    RAM so I'm not worried about swap space.

    Thank you for any input.

I've recently done the same thing myself; installing an XFCE-based
testing to a 4GB stick. A couple of things I've found useful are
laptop-mode-tools (to spin down the Windows HDD) and this[1] script
about setting up a transient /var/log (to try and mitigate some of the
writes to the flash disk).

[1] http://www.debian-administration.org/article/A_transient_/var/log

I see it's possible using an Etch installation: http://kv5r.com/articles/lin/debianonastick.asp

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