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Re: How to stipulate default applications in GNOME

On Vi, 17 iun 11, 17:55:24, AG wrote:
> Hey list
> In GNOME, if the options selected under "preferred applications" for
> browsers doesn't get applied, how can I set an application to be the
> default?
> Case in point: I use Kmail & Icedove, and want Iceape as my default
> browser for clicking links, etc.  Icedove remembers this and
> complies, but KMail keeps opening Konqueror.  I seem to recall that
> there was a way I could set up a default, but don't remember the
> specifics.

Since KMail is a KDE app you probably need to do the change in KDE's 
control center. Check also (as root):

update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

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