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Re (2): QCAD Pro in Squeeze

From:	Joe <joe@jretrading.com>
Date:	Sun, 19 Jun 2011 19:05:19 +0100
> I don't know how big the differences are, but I'm using 2.0.5 Free in
> Sid, and have been using the Sid version for about four years. It's not
> completely bug-free, but it seems to have the same bugs in a couple of
> Ubuntus, and fewer now than four years ago.

In Squeeze here is QCAD  I want to divide a circle to 
make an arc.  According to the Web based manual, Divide Two is needed;  
not in the Community edition.

> There's a moderately recent Ubuntu in the OS list, and the full version
> has a ten-minute-at-a-time trial version.

It has Modify > Break out segment, d2.  No doubt it will make the arc 
if I use it properly.  Looks as though I should pay for Pro.

Thanks,              ... Peter E.

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