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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2011 #1176

On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 10:27:39 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

Replying to digests does not work very well. Threads are broken and 
"Subject" is lost :-(

>> > Tiny little companies like Industrial Light and Magic, Pixar, Disney,
>> > Hanna Barbara, etc, etc....?

Exactly :-)

> Non of this famous companies does NLE using Linux. I guess if Pixar only
> would check emails with Linux, people would claim, they would use Linux
> for NLE.
> Please, check what they are using Linux for.

Non-linear editors? Then you mean broadcasting companies?

> I can't remember what exactly BBC is using Linux for, since they program
> apps for Linux video them self. But don't confuse little local TV
> stations with big companies. In the real professional world of famous
> studios no video studio and AFAIK even no audio studio (and I worked as
> engineer for a famous company that worked for all famous audio and video
> studios) is using Linux. For audio it might be possible, I'm not sure,
> at least you won't use my machine for a famous, professional audio
> studio, but for video you won't use any computer for NLE by Linux.

Wait, wait, wait...

You are confusing the old-known argument of "there are not many 
professional applications for linux at multimedia" -and I'll add that 
there are neither for 3D CAD/CAM/CAE or web/graphic design- with "linux 
kernel is not prepared for multimedia".

Of course we lack some of the professional tools that people is using in 
windows or mac environments! Adobe does not make such products for linux. 
Autodesk neither do (and I'm speaking about AutoCAD) and these are two of 
the giants in their respective industries.

But I'd say this is a different problem. You convince them to package 
their "master-pieces" of software to Linux/BSD and you're done, but this 
has nothing to do with a kernel setting that handles the cpu frequency 



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