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How do I register a service?

I have a couple of services I need to run from init.d for runlevel 2.  
One of them depends on networking, so of course I supply the lines

# Provides:          pyTivo
# Required-Start:    $syslog $network

at the top of the init script.  The second service, however relies on 
the first one, so I need to make sure it is not run until the first is 
up.  It seemed to me I could guarantee the script order by putting

# Required-Start:    $syslog $network $pyTivo

at the top of the second script, but now I'm not so sure.  The 
networking script has

# Provides:          networking

instead of 

# Provides:          network

which is what I would expect if the mechanism worked as I had surmised.  
How do I guarantee the script order is maintained by update-rc.d?

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