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Re: Help About Squeeze

Am 12.05.2011 11:53, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> On 5/12/2011 4:34 AM, Markus Neviadomski wrote:
>> You are right...but, read my first post. I wrote about 4-6 cores. This
>> is a typical sandy bridge system with core i7. No real server hardware,
>> but fast enough for the OP, when his Sempron is working until today!
>> 16GB Ram are possible and cheap enough for development countrys servers.
> The OP doesn't need more performance.  If so, he didn't state it here.
> He simply asked how to turn off the sleep mode.  He didn't ask how to
> fix his storage device issue.  It's probably safe to assume that the
> OP's storage device issues are due to reasons other than his skills as
> an SA.  Most likely, as we've seen this scenario before, he's stuck
> with a Sempron machine with only two small disks for 200 people
> because of a lack of funding.  If he had the funding, do you think
> he'd still be using such a machine as a server, even if it is adequate
> for his performance needs?
Nobody assumed that the op has performance issues. In the past, mostly
all issues with sempron systems are caused by partly broken mainboards
oper power supplies. His system description sounds like an old sempron,
not a new AM3-one. You may do trial&error which such a crappy system, i
offer an other solution. If the OP could not by hardware, he may write this.
> If I were him I'd likely find your comments a bit insulting, as you
> have implied he doesn't know how to manage his server upgrades or
> recover from a disk problem.  Again, note that he didn't ask for help
> with these basic issues that pretty much everyone on this list knows
> how to handle.
Knowledge about sleep mode is a basic knowledge, admins should have. 
The OP doesnt have these knowledge i thought. Maybe he needs help on
other topics too. A good supporter offer help not only for the problem,
the customer askes for.

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