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Re: So much for Skype.

>> > First, you're speculating. You have nothing to base your guess on.
>> > Microsoft may not have been the most "Linux-friendly" company in the world,
>> > but that doesn't mean that they are going to cut the GNU/Linux client of
>> > Skype.
>> >
>> > Second, http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2011/05/ballmer-skype-announcement/.
>> > Quote:
>> >
>> > Third, Skype is a proprietary client that uses a proprietary protocol. If
>> > you're that concerned about it, then you'll run it on a supported platform,
>> > even if it means the platform itself is proprietary, such as Microsoft
>> > Windows.
>> LOL, what makes you think that wagging your finger at someone, teaches them anything, or encourages respect for you?

> I'm failing to see the "finger wagging".

right, me neither.
4th, eBay one of the sellers, has a vested interest in multiplatform
use. A deal to continue that would not be suprising.

5th, why is a closed platform, getting, uhm, maybe closer, even an
issue on debian? Or are we talking alternatives? In that case, carry

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