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Re: libharu - now libhpdf - issues [SOLVED}

On 30/03/11 11:33, Alan Chandler wrote:

pecl install haru

but this seems to first detect the haru library and then say that it is
wrong as shown by the last few lines of the .configure script (after
autodetecting the haru prefix).

checking for Haru PDF support... yes, shared
checking for the location of libz... no
checking for the location of libpng... no
checking for Haru in default path... not found
configure: error: Please specify prefix for your Haru PDF library
ERROR: `/tmp/pear/temp/haru/configure --with-haru' failed

I am rather stuck now trying to find a way forward.

Has anyone successfully been through this process? Any ideas how to
proceed. Any other packages that can make me a pdf (or other ebook
format) that I can load onto my kindle.

I solved it - it simply meant when being prompted for the prefix for the library to say "/usr/" instead of assuming that the autodetect function was what it says it was.

I also ended up by having to install libpng-dev, but it then built just fine.

I now have a pdf file which contains the entire php manual which I have loaded on my kindle (although the kindle seems to be stuggling with its size).

Alan Chandler

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