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Re: Automagical Dependency Resolutions?

On Vi, 18 mar 11, 09:56:08, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > 
> > apt-cache show gdebi-core gdebi
> Came across gdebi in my initial research, but I was hoping there was a 
> switch or option that I missed in apt-get, etc. that would do the same 
> thing like the 'localinstall' option does with yum.
> So, another "front-end" for dpkg?  How many does that make now?  
> dselect, apt, aptitude, synaptic, gdebi?  Seems it would be more 
> efficient to add features to an existing front-end instead of writing 
> a whole new one just for one feature.

See wishlist bug #47379 (yes, it's from 1999). I bet there are similar 
bugs for aptitude and synaptic.

AFAICT such a feature is not often needed on Debian because of the huge 
oficial repository and most third parties also providing repositories.

Manually downloading or (re)compiling and installing packages is a mess 
IMVHO. I even went through the trouble of setting up my own local 
repository when I was maintaining my personal version of a few packages.

Kind regards,
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