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Re: regular user can't umount automount drive

Dne, 11. 03. 2011 07:32:31 je briand@aracnet.com napisal(a):

Here's the option line from the auto.media file:

/media/thingy  -fstype=vfat,users,flush,rw,umask=0000	:/dev/ipod

I could have sworn this was working...

I posted a while back and found out that the "users" option had to be in

Now I get this :

   umount: /media/thingy is not in the fstab (and you are not root)

I could have sworn it was working...#$#%#@!!

any ideas ?


To my knowledge, automounter is supposed to unmount the device automatically -- not manually -- once all processes have stopped using it (for example, it will not unmount the device so long as there's a Nautilus window somewhere displaying its contents). Just make sure no process is accessing the device, and it should get unmounted in due time.


Klistvud http://bufferoverflow.tiddlyspot.com Certifiable Loonix User #481801 Please reply to the list, not to me.

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