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Re: To 64 or Not to 64?

Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> writes:
>> I do program development, compiles, etc. and have to say that for me
>> 64-bit is definitely faster, to wit:
> Have you tried Tiny CC?  When it's sufficient for the task, it's compile
> times are pretty fast.
> http://global.phoronix-test-suite.com/?k=profile&u=staalmannen-18107-15267-29041

Note that the guy who did that didn't use _any_ optimization flags --
not even -O -- so the result doesn't have much connection with reality
(without -O, many compilers won't even _try_ to produce good code).

Unfortunately that sort of idiocy seems all too typical for benchmarking
at Phoronix...


Fast, small, soon; pick any 2.

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